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We welcome anyone over the age of 18 years who wishes to join our teaching team at TM2. The process of joining is relatively easy and straight- forward and we can approve most applications within 24 hours.
You may be currently employed as a teacher in the primary, secondary or tertiary sectors of education. You may be a retired teacher or lecturer, or a tradesman in any one of many different occupations. a business professional, a hobbyist or leisure enthusiast. In fact, you could be anyone who feels they would like to share their expertise, experience, knowledge and skills in any one of the more of the hundreds of subjects available with other people around the globe and to gain financial reward for their time and effort.
As a member of our team at TeachMe2 you are able to select the subject or subjects you wish to teach, set your own tuition fee per hour, set the number of lessons you wish to teach over a reasonable time frame, and nominate the day, date, and time of each lesson. You are even able to teach one of your own (non-TM2) subjects, after approval from the TM2 administration. You can use the facilities of TeachMe2 to produce live online classes, webinars, and even stream live to social media. You can upload teaching materials such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, activity sheets, assessment tasks, and many other resources. You can also nominate to present a once-only lesson, a period of instruction with a set number of lessons within a teaching block, or a course of instruction with a definite beginning and end and allowing for a progression in the development of skills and knowledge in students enrolled in the subject.
You can allow your students to download activities, assignments, worksheets, problems, test examples, or whatever is important and relevant to your chosen subject area. You will have an online discussion facility to communication with your students at any time, and your students can upload materials for you to assess or comment on.
To become a Teacher with TM2 you must agree to and abide by our Policy which is laid out in our Terms and Conditions. Please take time to read this document, as it governs our relationship with you as a professional educator. The following clauses from the Terms and Conditions document are mentioned here because they are of particular importance to the successful operation and platform services provided by TM2.
Clause 2 governs the definitions and interpretations used by TM2.
Clauses 4.1, 4.2, 5 and 6 are important, as follows: Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 regulate your access and use of TeachMe2 as a platform to facilitate the learning of your students. Clause 5 governs the veracity, accuracy and truthfulness of the materials and information you provide to your students. Clause 6 refers to the total prohibition of sexually explicit, violent, and/or offensive materials by teachers using TM2.
Clauses 7 and 8 refer to the payment of fees by students, in local currencies but also in amounts equivalent to and advertised in Australian dollars ($AUD), US dollars (USD) or Euros. Both clauses also refer to the commission of 20% received by TeachMe2 on the teacher's net tuition fee.
Clauses 7, 8 and 12 also specify that student fees are first payable through a payment gateway to a trust account held by TeachMe2, and then released to the teachers’ bank account on the completion of the lesson, period of instruction or course minus a 20% commission on the net tuition fee.
Clause 9 includes reference to student enrolment in a teacher’s class and how the teacher determines the fee payable, and the number of enrolments in a class for a particular subject.
Clauses 10 and 11 refer to our refund policy which occurs if a lesson, period of instruction or course is cancelled by a teacher or student or re-scheduled by the teacher.
Upload a document to confirm your ID. This can be a driver’s licence, passport bio page, birth certificate, or another suitable document.
Indicate in the message box of your application the subject or subjects you would like to teach and include a description of your experience in this/these subjects. Please also include your country of residence, your time zone, and your language of instruction.
Upload a document or documents to confirm your suitability to teach the subject or subjects you wish to teach. This or these documents can include a reference from your workplace, academic transcripts, employment history with contact details of referees, references, etc. Please refer to the types of acceptable qualifications through this link.
Confirm by checking the box at the bottom of the application that you have no current or past convictions regarding child protection issues.
Please read our Privacy Policy so that you are aware of what happens to your personal data.
Please read our Terms and Conditions, and then agree to our Terms and Conditions by checking the box at the bottom of the application.
Please contact us if you require clarification on any of the above 6 points.
Complete Application Form
Register with us by completing:
i) the details indicated on this page
ii) the details required on the credentials page